Tuesday, May 31, 2011

back on the wagon after the holiday...

I missed my first scheduled run yesterday [even though I completed a SUPER short run on my "rest day," Sunday]...yikes!  That aside, I had a great run today at the gym!  I performed at a new best pace of 11:49/mile, beating my previous best pace of 12:04/mile--so I'm improving, which I am really excited about! I think I could have done even better, but I left my good earphones at home, and had to use another pair I had in my car--they kept falling out of my ears, and I kept having to put them in, which was a bit of a distraction....grrr, but I won't complain about my improving time! :]

Route:  Treadmill
Distance:  2.55 miles
Time:  30:06 minutes
Pace:  11:49/mile

Distance:  2.6 miles
Time:  30:06 minutes

Distance:  34.8 miles
Time:  7:20:34

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