Thursday, May 26, 2011

it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

I ran at Wash Park for the first time today.  My knees/legs/shins really loved the cinder path!!  Turns out Wash Park is where everyone runs, walks, bikes, rollerblades, etc. - no matter what day of the week or what time of day, there are always a ton of people!  It's fun for people watching, but most of all I have found that when there are other people running it makes my run more bearable.  If I'm walking and someone passes me, it encourages me to start running again, which is good! :]

I only did one lap, but 1 lap = 2.58 miles, so that was good for me!

Route:  Washington Park
Distance:  2.58 miles
Time:  33:11 minutes
Pace:  12:52/mile

Distance:  7.5 miles
Time:  1:35:40

Distance:  28.1 miles
Time:  6:01:06

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