Monday, May 23, 2011

Mondays are not my friend...

For some reason, Monday runs are always hard for me, but today was particularly hard... I couldn't get out of bed today, which meant that I did my run around 11:30am...not a smart idea.  It was SO HOT outside!  I did more of a walk/run today, which didn't hurt my pace as much as I thought!  I am thinking about maybe doing the walk/run program.  Coach Mike says that it is a really good route to go for beginner runners and some people that utilize the Galloway method finish in faster times than some who try and run the whole time; so, I am definitely considering this!

Route:  Highland Canal Trail
Distance:  2.51 miles
Time:  31:38 minutes
Pace:  12:37/mile

Distance:  2.51 miles
Time:  31:38 minutes

Distance:  23.1 miles
Time:  4:57:04

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