Saturday, May 21, 2011

My body hates me...

End of Week 2:
We had our second group run + clinic this morning!  We met at the Platte River trail @REI bright and early at 7AM!  We ran down the Platte River trail headed toward Invesco Field, made a lap around Invesco, then headed back to REI.  I started out well, surprising myself by being able to run a full mile without stopping.  I know this doesn't seem like much to most people, but this is HUGE to me! :]  I slowed down around Invesco and only ran a bit on the return due to terrible shinsplints!  I went to Runner's Roost earlier this week and bought compression socks which help with recovery, but haven't worn them during the run yet.  The person I spoke with at RR told me that the pain is probably impacted related and due to the fact that I just started running [in other words, my body hates me and is revolting against me.....ugh!].

We had a stretching and injury prevention clinic for about 30 minutes after our run.  I talked with Coach Mike afterwards about my shinsplints and he is going to email me some information and exercises.

When I got home I did a bit of strength training, then took a long nap! :]

Route:  Platte River Trail
Distance:  2.75 miles
Time:  36:22 minutes
Pace:  13:14/mile

Distance:  10.7 miles
Time:  2:17:54

Distance:  20.6 miles
Time:  4:25:26

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