Friday, June 17, 2011

$90 away from my GOAL of $2,000

I am SO EXCITED to report that I am only $90 away from reaching my goal of raising $2,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!!

Training is still going well, I am up to roughly 15 miles per week!  I was thinking about upping my runs to 5x/wk this week, but I decided to stick with 4; however, next week the schedule calls for 5 so Wednesdays I am going to start running the Wash Park Pub Run!  This is a 5K from Pub on Pearl around Wash Park and back!  Afterwards you get FREE dinner from Whole Foods and your first beer is free!  Beer and I haven't been too good of friends since I started training, but I think I might have just ONE this Wednesday! :]  So far I have lost 4.52% of my starting weight! So excited, and I really do feel so much better!  Love the endorphins!

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