Thursday, August 4, 2011

Brick. Wall.

That's what I have hit!  A ginormous brick. wall.

I can barely force myself to run 3-4 times a week when I should be running 5!

I still don't "love" running.  That's what I was hoping--that during my training I would magically transform into one of those people who loves running; well, its been 12 weeks and I still don't love it.  Oh well, I'll get through it.  I will say that I do feel fabulous after a run...but during?  Negative.

I am running pretty consistently at around 11:30/mile--still using the Galloway method with a 3:1 run : walk ratio.

[Note:  I need to start getting my lazy butt out of bed earlier in the morning and get these runs in before it gets too hot and I have an "excuse" not to go.]

July Recap

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