Wednesday, June 1, 2011

it's getting easier, finally!!

I think I'm going to up my running to 5 days a week instead of 4.  Our training schedule has 4 mandatory days (including our Saturday team runs) and then an optional 5th run day--so I think I am going to try and get that 5th run in each week.

My pace group, which is named "Durango", is still at 30 minute runs each week (except Saturday's which are 40 minutes), but next week Tuesday runs will increase to 40 minutes and our Saturday runs increase to 50 minutes!

I am so excited to report that I, again today, beat my best pace!  My current best pace is 11:13/mile!  Yay!! It's finally getting easier! :]

Route:  Treadmill
Distance:  2.68 miles
Time:  30:03 minutes
Pace:  11:13/mile

Distance:  5.2 miles
Time:  1:00:09 minutes

Distance:  2.68 miles
Time:  30:03 minutes

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