Saturday, June 25, 2011

Oh....What a Week!

So this week was crazyyyyy!  And unfortunately, not so good for my training...

Last Saturday after our team run I packed up my things and my two pups and headed up to Brighton, CO to house-sit for my friend, Ken.  Ken and his late wife, Dawn, owned the rescue where I got Reg, my goof-ball of a Great Pyrenees.  If you received my fundraising letter, you know that part of the reason that I am training is because of Dawn.  She is the one who made me realize life isn't about material things, it's about making a difference in someone's life--so that's what I am trying to do as I train and fundraise for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Anyway...long story, short...from last Saturday until this past Thursday I was watching nine dogs and two cats.  Yes, that's right, I said nine dogs--for six days!  It really wasn't as bad as you may think, everyone was very well-behaved and got along, but my schedule was COMPLETELY different than normal, which threw my training off a bit!

I was able to get in a couple of good runs around the neighborhood...well, I say neighborhood, but its not really a's a bunch of farms/land with houses.  I really loved running out there--such different scenery than my normal runs and really peaceful.  But that said, I was only able to run three times this week, which Coach Mike would NOT be too happy about since we were suppose to up our running to 5 days/week starting this past week!  Oh well, such is life...

I didn't go to the team workout this morning, but I did complete my long run.  This was the first time I have run around my apartment complex--a little more hilly than I realized...and it was HOT, like really hot!  I won't be running during the heat of the day anymore.  Period.  I was pouring sweat when I got back to my apartment.  I was literally soaking wet!  Which made for a good excuse to go jump in the pool!

In other news...I have reached my fundraising goal of $2,000!!  This means after race day I will be chopping my hair off for Locks of Love!  I am a little nervous because today I measured 10 inches on my hair...let's just say I hope it grows quickly over the next couple of months, otherwise I may have some VERY short hair!

I just want to give a BIG thank you to everyone who has helped me reach my goal so far--we are $2,000 closer to finding a cure for blood cancers!
  • Matthew Cotter [brother]
  • Debbie Verderaime [moma]
  • Lonnie Strickland [former professor & mentor]
  • Diane & Dayn Beam [aunt & uncle]
  • Steva Gay [pet-sitter]
  • Michelle Parvinrouh [friend]
  • Loys Nunez [cousin]
  • Allison & Rance Block [cousins]
  • Claylia (Teets) LeBlanc [cousin]
    • Donation in honor of Sam LeBlanc
  • Rich & Clay Heilman [cousins]
  • Laurie LeBlanc [cousin]
  • John & Missy Gartner [AL neighbors]
  • Donna & Andy Rucks [aunt & uncle]
  • Clement & Colleen Cotter [dad & step-mom]
  • Nadene & Sid Hilton [beloved family friend]
  • Valerie & Shawn Hunton [aunt & uncle]
  • Mary David [family friend]
...But I am not done fundraising!!  I am setting a new goal to see if I can reach $2,500!  If you haven't yet, please consider donating to this wonderful organization, who has helped so many people and relentlessly searches for a cure for blood cancers!

Here's to another, better week of training!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Loving the Galloway Method!

Well as you know I missed our team run last week, which also included a clinic on the Galloway Method...but not to worry because Coach Mike sent us a copy of the clinic info.  If you aren't familiar with the Galloway method it is basically a run/walk method that thousands of people use (especially first timers) for marathons...clearly not the best clinic for me to miss!

Anyway...last night I read the clinic info Coach Mike sent as well as some info on the web, and decided I needed a watch that had an interval timer on it!  Sooo... I did a little research, found the cheapest one at Target (not Wal-mart surprisingly), and off I went to get my new watch!  I got home, figured out all the settings, and this morning I was ready to run!

[Side Note:] I am just not quite in shape enough to run for my entire workout, whatever time that may be, (unless it is just a single mile), which means I have already been doing some type of run/walk combination--just not the "official" Galloway method.

My current pace is about 11min/mile (give or take).  According to Galloway, this means I should be doing a run/walk combination of 3:1.  So today I gave the official Galloway Method my first shot!  I normally run the entire first mile, which I also did today, but then I switched my nifty new watch into interval mode!  I ran 5.56 miles in 62 minutes with an average pace of 11:10/mile!!!  The best part? I didn't feel like I was dying at the end!  I have a feeling me and Galloway are going to be pretty close here for the next 16 weeks! :]

Friday, June 17, 2011

$90 away from my GOAL of $2,000

I am SO EXCITED to report that I am only $90 away from reaching my goal of raising $2,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!!

Training is still going well, I am up to roughly 15 miles per week!  I was thinking about upping my runs to 5x/wk this week, but I decided to stick with 4; however, next week the schedule calls for 5 so Wednesdays I am going to start running the Wash Park Pub Run!  This is a 5K from Pub on Pearl around Wash Park and back!  Afterwards you get FREE dinner from Whole Foods and your first beer is free!  Beer and I haven't been too good of friends since I started training, but I think I might have just ONE this Wednesday! :]  So far I have lost 4.52% of my starting weight! So excited, and I really do feel so much better!  Love the endorphins!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Only $540 away from donating my hair to LOCKS of LOVE!!

So tomorrow wraps up the end of Week 5 and I am only $540 away from my goal of $2,000, which means I will be donating my hair to Locks of Love after my race (if I get this last $540 before raceday)!

Well, this week was full of firsts...Yoga...Body Pump...a new best pace...and a new longest distance!

My week looked a little something like this:
  • Monday = 30 min run + 60 min Yoga
  • Tuesday = 40 min run
  • Wednesday = 60 min Body Pump
  • Thursday = 30 min run
  • Friday = REST
  • Saturday = 50 min run
  • Sunday = hopefully 30 min elliptical
Let me just say...I had NO idea I would sweat that much during was intense!  But I liked it and I believe I will be returning again this week!  Wednesdays are reserved for cross-training so I decided I would try Body Pump, which if you don't know what this is go ahead and check out their website!  It was fun, but I also felt like I was going to die, well, my legs did after about a billion lungs with a barbell!

I didn't sleep well last night, so I didn't make it to training this morning, but I did run my 50 minutes.  I ended up running 4.26 miles, which is about a quarter of a mile farther than last Saturday's 50 minute run!

Total milage for this week = 13.1 miles
...funny to think in 18 weeks I will be running all of that in one day instead of four!
Best Pace = 11:09/mile
% weight loss = 3.17% of starting weight

Ready to take on another week!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

4 weeks and $1,350 completed!!

So today marks my completion of 4 weeks of training!  I have raised $1,350 so far through the support of my wonderful friends and family (if you have sent me a donation and you're name isn't showing up on my fundraising page yet it's because they haven't processed your check yet, but it will show up soon)!!

Yesterday I ran for the longest distance and farthest time yet!  Coach Mike made us run for 50 minutes around Wash Park (we were only scheduled for 40)!  I ended up running 4.00 miles with an average pace of 12:35/mile.  My pace increased a little, but I think it is mostly due to the fact that I have been running inside on a treadmill instead of outside.  I need to start running outside more to get acclimated to the weather and terrain.

Since I have started running/training I have really tried to sustain an all around healthier lifestyle.  I have given up Starbucks and Fastfood until my training is over, and I am eating almost every meal at home...chicken, fresh fruit and veggies, salads, and lots and lots of water!  I have lost 2.49% of my starting body added bonus of healthy diet and exercise!!

18 more weeks and $650 to go!! :]

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

it's getting easier, finally!!

I think I'm going to up my running to 5 days a week instead of 4.  Our training schedule has 4 mandatory days (including our Saturday team runs) and then an optional 5th run day--so I think I am going to try and get that 5th run in each week.

My pace group, which is named "Durango", is still at 30 minute runs each week (except Saturday's which are 40 minutes), but next week Tuesday runs will increase to 40 minutes and our Saturday runs increase to 50 minutes!

I am so excited to report that I, again today, beat my best pace!  My current best pace is 11:13/mile!  Yay!! It's finally getting easier! :]

Route:  Treadmill
Distance:  2.68 miles
Time:  30:03 minutes
Pace:  11:13/mile

Distance:  5.2 miles
Time:  1:00:09 minutes

Distance:  2.68 miles
Time:  30:03 minutes

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! all my Sponsors/Donors!!

I have been truly overwhelmed by the support of my family and friends in helping me raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!!

A special thanks to the following people who have already donated:

  • Matthew Cotter [brother]
  • Debbie Verderaime [moma]
  • Lonnie Strickland [former professor & mentor]
  • Diane & Dayn Beam [aunt & uncle]
  • Steva Gay [pet-sitter]
  • Michelle Parvinrouh [friend & workout buddy]
  • Clement & Colleen Cotter [dad & step-mom]
  • Loys Nunez [cousin]
  • Allison & Rance Block [cousins]
  • Claylia (Teets) LeBlanc [cousin]
  • Rich & Clay Heilman [cousins]
I still have a ways to go!  If you would like to support me you can donate online at my TNT fundraising page: or if you would like to send a check or cash donation email me at and I will send you my street address!

Thank you all SOOO much!! :]