Friday, October 28, 2011

On Wednesday morning we woke up to our First "real" snow of the season!  We got between 5 and 6 inches, and it was absolutely beautiful!  There is something about snow that I just love; it just makes everything look so beautiful!

I spent the day inside drinking hot chai tea lattes and studying, taking breaks to let Reg go out and romp through the snow!

 Winter Wonderland!!

The furballs! 
(Resse has decided she no longer likes the camera, so she hides behind Reg or any other large object she can find to get away from it)

Reg loves the snow, although it seems that I caught him in a not-so-photogenic moment

Reese, however, is NOT a fan of the cold, wet stuff so she prefers to walk on the already plowed sidewalk! 

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