Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2011 To do list

2011 will be a year of many new and exciting"Firsts" :]
  1. Run a 5K [the operative word here is "run"]...for those of you who know me, you know I don't run...at all, so this should be fun.
    [Completed on 5/14/2011 in 37:31 with TNT]
  2. Take a road trip over 300 miles
  3. Finish Old Chicago's World Beer Tour [110 beers...can't drink the same one twice]--right now I'm on beer #10
  4. Go to an NFL game
  5. Go to an NBA game
  6. Go to a MLB game
    May 13, 2011 - Rockies vs. Padres [rockpile]
  7. Go to Vegas
  8. Make a difference in someone's life [big or small]
    [Completing this via fundraising $2,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training Program]
  9. Find a new hobby
    [running will be my new hobby for the next 6 months weather I like it or not while I train for the Denver 1/2 Marathon]
  10. Go skydiving
  11. Read a book recommended by a friend
  12. Recycle more
  13. Go ice skating at the new skating rink downtown
  14. Visit all of Colorado's state parks
  15. Get a bike...and ride it...often
  16. Don't pay full price for the majority of my purchases...and still continue to buy brand/designer name stuff [I have actually become quite good at this...it's like a game]
  17. Drive my car less; use public transportation, bike (from #15), or walk more
  18. Volunteer as often as possible
  19. Get Reg Delta trained so we can do the Rx Pets Program at Children's hospital
  20. Read an average of 1 book per month [not a text book]
  21. Go to at least 3 concerts....1 must be at Red Rocks this summer
  22. Do something of my comfort zone at least once a month
  23. Eat healthier...[only have fast food once a week]
  24. Go an entire month without Starbucks [which could be quite difficult since it appears that UCD doesn't believe in having coffee shops on campus and sbux is 2 blocks away....]
    [Completed during lent - If Jesus can go 40 days and 40 nights with out food or water, I figured I could go with out Sbux!...oh, and turns out there is an Einstein's on campus = much cheaper coffee!]
...I'll probably add some more things between now and NYE, but this is definitely a start.  Stay tuned for periodic progress updates! :]